Saturday 4 February 2012

Vibe Masthead Deconstruction

The Vibe masthead has big bold letters in order to stand out on the shelf from other magazines. As this title is bigger than most other music magazines it will can the eye of many consumers. The masthead is very simple as there is only one colour used although for some magazines this is changed to either red or yellow. The white background helps the lettering to stand out and although this masthead doesn’t show much about the magazine it has gone for a simple but bold look in order to attract the reader towards the magazine until they see the picture on the front as that is the main focus for Vibe magazine readers. This masthead is similar to magazines of the same Genre as most of them go for big bold letters.
This immediately tells me that if I was to create a rap/hip-hop magazine I would need to use bold lettering in my masthead in order to initially attract readers to the magazine.

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